Voinosis is a compound word for Voice and Diagnosis. We analyze acoustic characteristics of patient's voices using AI technology to create a healthier life.

Voinosis is a compound word for Voice and Diagnosis. We analyze acoustic characteristics of patient's voices using AI technology to create a healthier life.


보이노시스(Voinosis)의 대표 이비인후과 전문의 신정은

I am Dr. Shin, an otolaryngologist, CEO of Voinosis.

We are developing digital solutions to prevent and manage various diseases such as hearing loss, cognitive impairment, and dementia.

I’ve been practicing otolaryngology for 23 years, treating patients with hearing loss. I have noticed specific voice pattern changes along with degeneration in brain function of each patients.

This inspired me to develop a solution using artificial intelligence, with the goal of “preventing” dementia which has no cure by intervening at a very early stage. Our engine shows a high accuracy rate of over 85% for early dementia screening.

We dream of dementia-free world. Please Join Voinosis in giving the power to enhance personal health in the palm of your hand. Go Voinosis!!


Powered by the
world's best
AI engine

보이노시스 세계 최고 AI엔진 기반 서비스

3rd place at
Startup World Cup
USA 2023

보이노시스 2023 스타트업 월드컵 미국 본선 “준우승"

Early screening tool
for hearing loss and an
asymptomatic stage of dementia

보이노시스 치매 무증상 단계인 난청에서 선별 가능

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